Infinitely Polar Bear (2014)


there are over millions of people around the world that suffer from different forms of mental illness. these illnesses don’t only effect the person themselves but also those around them especially their family. but a strong family not only endures it but also helps the individual to get better and be better that is what a family is.

this is a story about a manic-depressive Father Cam Stuart (Mark Ruffalo) of two daughters. Who after a psychotic break, which has caused him to be fired from his job this erratic breakdown made his wife Maggie Stuart (Zoe Saldana) and partly himself to decide to get hospitalised. during this time Maggie was having hard time to make ends meet due to her having difficulty getting good job that would allow her kids to study in a good school. Finally she decided to take a course in business school to be able to get a better job but who would take care of the kids. here is where Cam comes in, he is given the task to look after the kids, though its not the best choice it was the only one at the time and Cam accepts the challenge. The family holds up strong at first but then Cam’s conditions once in a while comes out and causes some issues but the Girls know their father and stick with him so does Cam for his girls. Over time we get to see even though his Conditions cause problems along the way it was also one of his strengths.

The Girls Imogene Wolodarsky and Ashley Aufderheide did a good job as their characters helping the movie keeps its lighthearted tone with their kiddish charm. Mark Ruffalo is a very good actor, but its not only that he acts out this character nicely its that he seems to be having fun doing so that adds another layer to the personality of Cam, making his behaviours and breakdown seem genuine and tangible.

Cam and Maggie.

seeing the adventure the family goes though when Cam takes care of his daughters is a fun watch. a movie i would recommend to anyone who is a fan of drama comedy genre. a tag of fun watch and rating of 6/10.

26 movies down………474 to go.

see you soon.
