Bharat (2019)

Bharat is a Hindi film from 2019 and is based on a South korean film Ode to My father (2014), which i have not seen but i guess was better that this film.

this is a masala film and it never presented it as anything else, with Salman Khan in the lead the film is bound to go towards the mass appeal, and that by itself isn’t bad the film being based on an existing work along with a masala film suffers the pothole having guessable twist and progression. the film does impose its grand scale onto you and glimpses the epic it wants to be

the one proper criticism i can muster about this film is the fact that this film suffers from pacing even though through out the film stuff keep happening the film feels draggy, and i reckon a crisper edit could solve the issue.

if you sitting down with the intention for a masala film you will be entertained.

119 movies down……..381 to go

see you soon


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